Monday 22 March 2010

Course Result!

Greetings Folks!

I interrupt the series of S193 summaries to bring you the long awaited result of the fossil course, just announced by the Open University . . .

Well, I PASSED. Hoorah!

Mind you, I would be pretty devastated to have failed it. A pass mark of 40% shouldn't be beyond anyone with a modicum of interest in palaeontology to be honest, but I did surprise myself by achieving a whopping


If I had got anything around 80% I would've been quite happy, but getting 97% just makes me wonder how I managed to lose those 3%!?! Anyway, detailed feedback will arrive by post soon I believe, so I'll let you know!

Next up in a day or two will be Part 3 of my S193 summary.

See ya then!



Any thoughts or comments on anything you have read?
Drop me a line and I will respond shortly!